Wheaton Chiropractic with Drs. Culp & McKinney

Chiropractic Adjustments and Mobilizations:
Traditional Chiropractic offers real, tangible, and time-tested treatments for many musculoskeletal(MSK) pains and imbalances. Classic and modern adjustments, and graded mobilizations are powerful care techniques. They help to restore healthy joint space, reset muscle tension, and allow for improved motion. Spinal and extraspinal (such as the shoulder for example) joints can be safely moved (with skill and sensitivity) to improve functional performance and encourage proper healing. The movements are usually performed quickly to reduce reactionary tensions, and popping sounds and sensations often occur. Occasional mild temporary soreness of the moved structures are usually the only side-effect if any experienced-much safer than many drugs or surgical procedures.
Adjustments can be performed standing, seated, or lying down. Special tables are used for Flexion Distraction, or for drop adjusting. Activator instruments can be used for mobilizations, as can the trained hands of the Chiropractic Physician. There are many options available - no pressure.
​For those who prefer not to have anything "cracked", we understand. Whether it was a bad experience in your past, a concern in your present, or a fear for your future, you will not be judged here. Our goal is to assist your pursuit of greater wellness, and that means everything happens on your terms. It is your health, your decision, and we respect that here at Prairie Path Wellness.
Please contact us if you have any questions,
we are always happy to help.
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